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在工艺管道系统中,阀门are devices that stop, divert, or control the flow of a fluid (gases, liquids, or slurries) by opening, closing, or partially obstructing a passageway.阀门有许多不同的功能。它们用于启动和停止流体流动,控制流动方向,并根据阀门中使用的机械屏障(板、球或隔膜)的性质改变流量。
Valves are used extensively in process industries such aspharmaceutical制造和食物&饮料processing and choosing the correct type of valve for a particular application is important. T最简单的阀门是手动操作的,通过手柄、杠杆、踏板或轮子启动。更复杂的阀门或dota2雷竞技 ,though, are activated automatically, responding to changes in pressure, temperature, or flow in the process piping.
- 工艺介质。the nature of the fluid which is flowing through the process piping (e.g., milk, yogurt, etc.). Considerations can include whether the materials are corrosive or abrasive, their viscosity, the desired flow rate, particle size (if a slurry), and so on.
- The process system’s temperature and pressure.
- 阀门的应用和功能。例如,阀门是只需要启动和停止流体流动,还是用来调节或节流?
- 如果有泄漏,可以容忍多少泄漏?And, how precise does the valve need to be?
- 维护。How often the valve needs to be cleaned or serviced.
- 制造阀门的材料. 食品、饮料和乳制品等卫生加工行业可能要求阀门由高纯度金属(如316L不锈钢)制成,并符合行业标准组织(如3-A)实施的卫生标准。(3-A是一家独立的非营利公司,致力于推进卫生设备设计。)用于食品和饮料行业)。例如,对于就地清洗(CIP)和就地清洗(COP)应用,控制卫生工业中使用的工艺管道中流体流动的阀门可能需要经过3-A认证。
- 安全标准.The pharmaceutical and chemical processing industries in particular may require that valves comply with the safety standards associated with the materials from which they’re made. Considerations here can include constructing valves of non-reactive materials, the operating pressure and temperature of the piping system, and the leakage of potentially hazardous materials.