How to Achieve Valve Automation Through the Use of Control Tops

在任何卫生流体加工环境中,找到提高生产率的方法,同时降低人为错误的潜力可以为底线增加相当大的股息。阀门自动化通过使用控制顶部是一种策略处理器使用越来越多的方式来实现这一目标。In this article, we will discuss how automated valves work when connected to a control top and outline the latest technological improvements in these fields.

Alfa Laval Thinktop阀门执行器动画
Alfa Laval Thinktop阀门执行器动画

全部阀s在一个过程中,工厂包含所谓的阀门执行器, which are simply the valve mechanisms that actually open and close the valves. Simple valves that are opened and closed manually typically use a lever or a wheel to operate the valve.


这y are typically used to controlbutterfly valves,seat valves, 和lol滚球 雷竞技 在含有大量阀门的过程管道中。

大多数类型的自动阀门致动器可以装配有一个名为a的可选设备控制顶部As the name implies, control tops are mounted on the top of the valve actuator and are used to provide real-time information, electronically, about the performance of the valve.



  • 这y notify the pipeline operator if each and every valve in their system is operating properly, and set to the correct position for the intended operation.
  • Automation provides significant cost savings. For example, without a control top a PLC may think that a particular valve is open when it actually isn’t. As a result,价值数千美元的产品可能会意外地送到废物排水或污染大型储存筒仓。




CSI.offers a number of different brands of control tops for use with automated valve actuators. Let’s look at some of the more popular ones in more detail and see how they work.

ThinkTop™ V50 & V70

ThinkTop™ V50 and V70 control tops来自CSI供应商Alfa Laval设计用于该公司的隔膜,蝴蝶,单座椅和混合阀。雷电竞它们常用于乳制品,food,beverage, 和biopharmaceutical制造业。

Sleek and compact, the ThinkTop’s control unit uses a single sensor that may be fitted with up to three solenoids. Inside the ThinkTop’s head, this sensor detects the valve stem movement and valve position to an accuracy of +/- 0.004 inches.


ThinkTop control units are intuitive, reliable, and quick to set up。这自动设置和实时设置功能设计入thanktop基于其DNA型材识别阀门类型,并且可以在没有任何操作员干预的情况下完成阀门设置。


最后,Thinktop Controller的V70型号附带了一个burst seat clean function。该功能控制阀门的最佳打开位置,使得可以在CIP期间消耗的流体中获得高达90%的节约(齐全) operations.

Bürkert Control and Communication Unit

Bürkert Control and Communication

For certain types of requirements, there’s another variant of an automated control top that’s known as a阀门定位器Valve positioners are used to control valves that may need to be partially opened, and not actuated into either the fully open or fully closed positions.

这se applications can include valve actuators used with certain steam-based processes, valves used for the mixing of hot and cold liquid media to a precise temperature (i.e., a thermostatic mixing valve), and some sanitary valve applications used for reducing pressure in process pipelines.

For the precise control of throttling and regulating valves that may be operated in a partially opened position, CSI offers a line of specialized control top valve positioners manufactured byBürkert控制和通信。Burkert的阀门定位器型号的范围从简单的橱柜安装的封装到时尚,公共汽车兼容装置,具有背光显示和直观的编程。



Depending on the specific type of valve actuator that is selected, several types of communications protocols may be available.阀门执行器控制顶部使用的默认通信网络通常是基本的24 VDC数字布线。然而,通过使用工业网络协议(即现场总线网络)可以提供更复杂的控制,可以在大型安装中管理实时操作控制和数据完整性。其中一些最常见的网络协议包括DeviceNet,AS-Interface,CAN总线和IO-Link。每个都在以下段落中简要讨论。


用于互连数据交换控制设备的自动化行业的网络协议。它利用了控制器区域网络媒体层上的公共工业协议,并定义应用层以覆盖一系列设备配置文件。DeviceNet支持125 kbit / sec,250 kbit / sec和500 kbit / sec的数据汇率。根据所选的电缆类型,它可以在过程工厂中支持长达500米的通信网络。


Actuator Sensor Interface is an industrial networking solution used in PLC, DCS, and PC-based automation systems。它专为使用单个双导线而在离散的制造和工艺应用中连接诸如致动器和传感器的简单场I / O设备。AS-Interface通信协议的通用自动化应用包括装瓶植物和食品生产线。


A Controller Area Network (CAN bus) is a robust communications standard designed to allow microcontrollers and other devices to communicate with each other without the use of a host computer.Designed originally for multiplex electrical wiring within automobiles to save on copper, it may also be used in automation applications.





在大型工艺管道系统中,包含大量的自动阀,将控制顶部添加到阀门执行器中产生了很大的意义。Control tops provide precise information about what’s going on with valves, lowering the risk of improper system performance.

在某些情况下,与Alfa Laval V70 Thanktop Top及其突发清洁能力一样,控制顶部也可以产生重大的运营成本节约。

接触CSI.at417.831.1411to discuss your specific needs for control tops on your plant’s automated valve actuators.

Shop Control Tops


Central States Industrial Equipment (CSI) is a leader in distribution of hygienic pipe, valves, fittings, pumps, heat exchangers, and MRO supplies for hygienic industrial processors, with four distribution facilities across the U.S. CSI also provides detail design and execution for hygienic process systems in the food, dairy, beverage, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and personal care industries. Specializing in process piping, system start-ups, and cleaning systems, CSI leverages technology, intellectual property, and industry expertise to deliver solutions to processing problems. More information can be found